Return & Exchange Wrong item

We are sorry that you received the wrong item. We understand that mistakes happen and are happy to help you with an exchange. According to our exchange policy, If the wrong item is still in A brand-new, unused, and in its original packaging you can return it for exchange or for a refund if you place a new order for the correct one.
Please Note:
If you have already used the product and unable to return it in its brand new condition. In these circumstances, we are not able to accept returns or exchanges on used items. We understand that this may be disappointing, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. As a goodwill gesture, we would like to offer you a discount if you decide to place a new order for the correct item. Please let us know if this is something you are interested in and we will be happy to provide you with a coupon code. We apologize again for the mistake and hope that this resolves the issue to your satisfaction."
Here is our Return Address:
PO BOX 171
LPO Holden Hill
SA 5088
Please ensure that the outside of the package is labelled with your order number - # ( Your Order Number)